I’m nervous for this episode! A lot is going to go down tonight. Pantene Matt is going to face his final challenge to get him back into the game. I don’t foresee that he won’t destroy Sarita in the duel. And then the tribes merge. Will Lose Lips Phillip jump ship? Will Defense Dave hold strong with Zapatera? Where will God tell Pantene Matt to pledge his allegiance to? And will On-drea align herself with him?
Post Tribal Council, the Zapatereans are giving kudos to Sarita for taking the blindside like a champ. Defense Dave makes a smart move by telling Oompa Loompa Ralph that he understands why he voted for him; no hard feelings. Ralph is oddly uncomfortable with the direct confrontation.
Sarita arrives at Pantene Matt’s lair. He barely stirs to greet her, but he is happy to see her. She doesn’t appear all that tough to him and should be an easy win. Sarita is all Chatty Cathy. He asks for the scoop on Zapatera, and she is more than happy to oblige singing the praises of all the good people there. Oddly, she seems like she has given up already and is just arming him with information for when he reenters the game.
The Ohmyteepees read their tree mail. Both tribes are to go to the duel which indicates that a merge is coming. The Bossiah suggests that they bring their stuff with them just in case. He suspects they will live at the Zapatera camp. This stirs up the lion on Lose Lips Phillip who hates being told what to do. He thinks they will live at Ohmyteepee. In a sidebar, he admits that he has learned from playing the game with Rob and intends to hold strong with his tribe after the merge. Amazing. We’ll see how long that lasts. At Zapatera, they suspect the merge as well. Military Mike is ready for it. He wants to sink his teeth into some new blood, mainly Rob.
Going into the duel, Pantene Matt has gotten a pretty good gouge in his foot. If the duel is an endurance test, he’s worried about his performance, but hey God gave him this platform so he’s going to do his best.
Sarita thinks she is a worthy opponent. Sarita is smoking crack.
The duel is the old stand on small pegs and move downward to smaller and smaller ones. Not looking good for Matt’s foot, but I still think God will bless him and let him win. The Bossiah is a bit nervous; if Matt wins he knows he will be coming after him.
The duel begins. Both players stay on the first foothold for 15 minutes. Neither seems to have any trouble. Jeff can't help himself and asks Phillip what you need to do to be successful in a challenge like this. Good night. Pipe it Probst! I don’t need to hear this. Phillips starts rambling about the Brocutta code which turns into a sermon that drones on and on. The faces of the other players is priceless.
Onto the third and final foothold. Matt struggles in all sorts of ways while Sarita looks to be in the zone.
It’s interesting to hear all of Zapatera cheer Sarita on while on Ohmyteepee…Phillip is the lone cheerleader for Matt. It’s a tense couple of minutes with both struggling, but Sarita drops.
Everyone put on your best shocked face.
Sarita heads out burning her buff, and Jeff makes the announcement that they are merged!
A new twist however is that starting next Tribal Council, Redemption Island is still in effect!
The new merged tribe sits down to stuff their faces. There’s laughter and smiles. It won’t last.
They have to pick a new tribe name.
Rob throws Murlonio into the hat; it means “from the sea united.” Julie thinks its beautiful.
They all agree on the name. But Rob confesses in a sidebar that Murlonio actually means nothing! It’s the name of the ringleader of Amber’s stuff animals back home. I love this guy. He really could walk on water right now.
A new tribe on a new beach has to build a new shelter. In between hammer swings, Matt asks Grant the million dollar question.
Grant does a good job of keeping it low key saying they were afraid he was going to side with Kristina. This seems to appease him. Meanwhile, Military Mike is waiting to pounce on Matt to see where his loyalty lies. He notices how close he is with On-drea and is hoping for a two for one deal.
He gets a moment with Matt and makes the case for the two join with Zapatera. Matt and On-drea are the two important pieces to bringing Rob down. He offers them final four with him and says he has access to the idol should Matt need it. Matt seems to be biting on the deal.
It’s a stormy first night.
The shelter was half finished and so it leaks. Zapatera sits looking at the Ohmyteepee tribe all bundled under their tarp.
Matt chats with On-drea about his big plan to take out The Bossiah. He wants to vote out Steve, then Phillip, then blindside Rob. She leads him to believe that they are tight, but she is still weighing her options. It’s a risky move to go against her tribe at this stage.
The next day Military Mike sits reading. Pantene Matt asks him what he is reading. He says he's reading the book of Matthew.
This looks like such a set-up, it's not even funny. Military Mike is totally playing to his audience which is actually quite brilliant. He's not the first person to use the Bible to manipulate someone else. They start God talking while Rob and Anna Paquin watch in the background.
Rob says he should get in the conversation but doesn’t have much to add except maybe an...
He doesn’t have anything against God, but he wants this new Christian Coalition disbanded. Could be romantic comedies could be Oreos; whatever is causing a group to form it needs to be broken up! Matt is still considering Mike’s deal, but he is starting to feel like he should stay with his tribe. God has put him here for a reason. Perhaps to help Rob win a million dollars? Cause that’s what’s going to happen if he stays with Ohmyteepee.
Time for the first Individual Immunity Challenge. It consists of balls and discs and logs. Drop your balls and your out. Lose Lips Phillip immediately starts wobbling. He nearly falls but saves it.
It’s Firefighter Julie who is out first.
Time to add a second ball. Ashley out. Defense Dave out.
Third round and third ball added. No more stopping. On-drea holds on for dear life but is out.
Grant (with his black toes, good night what the hell?) wobbles and is out.
Pantene Matt out.
The Bossiah out.
Lose Lips Phillip out.
It’s Anna Paquin vs. three members of Zapatera. Oompa Loompa Ralph out.
Gimpy Steve out.
It’s down to Military Mike who hasn’t moved at all and Anna Paquin. A fly lands on one of Mike’s ball which is the first movement his disc has moved.
This just makes me laugh.
Anna Paquin starts to waiver a bit but Mike is holding strong. It’s looking like he will take it until out of nowhere he falls off his log.
Anna Paquin wins Immunity! She makes her mama proud.
Back at camp,old Zapatera makes a plan. Mike thinks Rob is coming after him or Ralph so they will use the idol and then blindside Grant. Pantene Matt comes clean to The Bossiah about Military Mike’s deal.
He drags On-drea into the conversation who isn’t too pleased to be exposed to Rob as a potential flipper. Rob now distrusts Matt even more that he knows he was considering trying to vote him out so he rallies Ohmyteepee to vote out Matt.
Big mistake. I don’t know what he is thinking. He should have taken the opportunity to get at least one of the Zapatera out before ousting Matt again.
Mike comes up with the idea to write Matt a note. Anyone writing notes and passing them on makes me nervous.
This is never a good idea.
While building the shelter, Mike slips Matt the note. “Vote out Grant and you will get final three.” Matt is going against his gut and God now and thinking about the deal.
He tells On-drea who is considering it as well since she got screwed by Rob once before. But she says Matt's sketchy and flighty so she's not sure about hitching her horse to that wagon either. Rob knows somethings up when he notices that the two of them are gone. This is all smelling bad for Ohmyteepee.
Tribal Council…buckle up. Oompa Loompa Ralph and Rob both admit the tribes are clearly separate. They don’t talk to each other, and they don’t sleep with each other. Defense Dave brings up that Ohmyteepee slept under a tarp while they all got drenched. Ashley says they won the tarp so of course they are going to sleep under it to which Dave confirms out loud that that’s the challenge they threw.
"There should be an asterik next to won."
This urges one of Phillips ramblings which Defense Dave give an “oh please” which only pisses Phillip off more.
He starts talking about stenches and parasites which has the girls laughing and everyone else eye rolling.
Conversation turns to Matt as the lynchpin vote. Ohmyteepee voted Matt out once before, why wouldn’t they again says Ralph. Matt says he knows he’s at the bottom of the alliance and it’s a tough decision but, he’s starting to see the big picture.
Time to vote.
Jeff gets ready to read the votes when Ralph stands up to play his idol. He wants to play it for Mike.
First vote, Grant. Grant. Grant. Grant. Grant.
Next vote goes to Steve.
Then the bomb drops. Next vote to Matt.
Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Not smiling now are we Matt?
5 for Grant, 5 for Matt, 1 for Steve. One vote left.
As my grandmother use to say…holy cats.
The tribe has spoken, again.
The reactions are priceless.
But the best reaction of all is Matt’s response as he walks out:
“What the hell guys?”
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